In Memory

Judith Allen Graham

Judith Allen Graham

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05/22/17 09:19 PM #1    

Thompson Webb

Judi died of a heart failure on December 17, 1975 in Montgomery Creek, California. She had graduated in Biology from Swarthmore in 1967 after taking a year off (most likely for political work) and had lived in Yuba City north of Sacromento in the Central Valley of California. There she worked as an organizer and farm worker.

Judi was friendly and had a strong social conscience. My memory has her in SPAC and devoting much of her time to community organizing and participating in protests. She had a deep commitment to the civil rights movement. Judith really cared about the world and lived a life devoted to making it better.

When in Madison, Wisconsin, for graduate studies in 1967, I had dinner with old friends of my parents who knew Jean Graham, Judi's mother. They told of Jean's concern about Judi's organizing and protest work. I spoke up to say that I thought that Judi knew what she was doing and was doing it well. 

Judy Petsonk '66 remembers:

"Judi was born with a hole in her heart, but never let it stop her. She had a great sense of humor and of adventure. She was also an artist, working in pottery in Taos."

Jan Burgess Bays '66 remembers:

"Judy was one of my favorite people at Swarthmore. She was quirky, funny and very bright. She had a big chest because of the unrepairable defect in her heart, and would get out of breath climbing the stairs in Parrish Hall to our dorm hall. She knew that she would not live a normal life span and endeavored to live fully. Today her heart could be repaired -- and her death makes me aware that many of will die in the next decade of conditions that 50 years from now will be relatively simple to treat."

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